Blog | Hot In-Place Recycling

Planning for Road Maintenance Impacts of COVID-19

Written by Hot In-Place Recycling | Dec 17, 2020 3:13:58 PM

Road management is always challenging. We always have more roads to fix than budget to fix it with. Take that situation and add a global pandemic, subtract an estimated 30% of road budgets across the nation and we have a recipe for disaster.




It’s time for some real (and different) planning to ensure that you’re able to resurface the most possible miles with the resources you have. It’s time to revolutionize the way you think about pavement management to weather this storm. Hot In-Place Recycling is here to help! Here’s how you should plan to avoid road issues due to the Corona Virus pandemic.



Avoid action to fix your roads. 
The pre-work phase might include confusion about anticipated budgets for 2021 based on the lack of foresight into revenue streams and necessity to direct funds to other operations. It’s very tempting to wait and see.


Plan to stretch your budget as much as you can!
Ultimately, you know you’re going to have some funding for road maintenance. The challenge is to find a solution that helps you stretch that budget. Hot In-Place Recycling, for example, can help you save up to 34% on your road resurfacing so you can make the most of your allocated budget.







Cut corners with your roadwork.
This might come in the form of trying to save money with the pre-work research, like foregoing core sampling or skipping the ride-along to maintain social distancing protocols. Another shortcut is to skip the resurfacing altogether and go straight for the surface treatment as a “band-aid” solution to temporarily fix the problems.



Find workarounds to do a more thorough job.
Cutting corners now is just going to cost you in the long run. The key is to find workarounds for some of the obstacles we’re facing right now to ensure that the most quality roadwork is completed to the best degree possible. Find a company that has pivoted to meet social distancing mandates and can work with you virtually for some of the necessary pre-work and can reduce the price of the work overall without compromising on surface life.




Compromise on safety. 
Roadwork is considered an essential service for a reason: it’s a necessary function, even when much of the world is shut down. That doesn’t mean taking unnecessary risks for the key stakeholders involved or leaving roads in a less-than-safe condition.



Use a fast, nimble and streamlined process.
The safest way for crews to complete roadwork right now is quickly, with lean staffs and fewer steps required. The longer a process takes, the more people involved and the more steps, the more opportunities there are for complications, from weather to illness to mandated shutdowns.



Hot In-Place Recycling is the solution to “the way it’s always been done.” This revolutionary technology re-vitalizes the existing pavement and enables public agencies to pave more miles in less time for less money. Here’s how it works:


  1. The preheater drives over existing asphalt and preheats the asphalt to approximately
    320 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Replasiticizing oil penetrates the asphalt and a rejuvenating agent is applied to re-activate the existing liquid asphalt.
  3. The heated asphalt is disrupted with spring-loaded steel tines to a depth of 1.5”.
  4. The revitalized asphalt is replaced on the road through a traditional asphalt screed in a single pass.
  5. A vibratory steel drum roller is used to compact the recycled asphalt to a specified density.
  6. The public agency completes the resurfacing process with surface treatment choosing from
    options such as microsurfacing, chip seal, slurry seal or hot mix overlay.

The entire process can frequently be done for less money* in less time, without complicated lane closures and with a smaller carbon footprint than the traditional mill and fill.

*Total savings depend on the final surface treatment selected + the local cost of asphalt per ton.


Calumet City, Illinois needed help getting out of their worst-first approach to pavement management. This wasn’t due to COVID-19, but it illustrates the point
an immediate need requiring a new solution.

In order to save time and money, Calumet City took a progressive approach by using Hot In-Place Recycling. 
This process allowed them to do more than they had initially planned using the conventional mill, patch and pave approach.



Heater Scarification rejuvenates old, worn out asphalt, putting the “ride back in the road.” HIR resulted in improved “rideability” and provided a solution for the streets’ reflective cracking. Recycling the existing streets in-place with a hotmix overlay resulted in additional savings and far less truck traffic, while adding “structure” to the roads.



This is the perfect time to look for a better option than the way it’s always been done. We might not have a choice anymore. The upside is that you can see how much Hot In-Place Recycling can save you in time, asphalt, money, carbon emission and traffic delays. The best news is that once the current circumstances have changed and we’re back to “normal,” the benefits of Hot In-Place Recycling don’t stop. When budgets are bigger, when restrictions are more relaxed, you can still pave more miles in less time and fewer delays for less money